
红喙林戴胜 Red-billed Wood Hoopoe, Africa

-- 作者:老黑

红喙林戴胜 .(绿林戴胜)一种通常在早上出现在老黑们种植菜园搜寻害虫为食、以此护卫蔬菜健康成长的益鸟。Red-billed Wood Hoopoe, Scientific name: PhoeniculusScientific classification Red-billed Wood Hoopoe The Green Wood Hoopoe (Phoeniculus purpureus) is alarge,up to 44 cm long, near-passerine tropical bird native to Africa. It is a member of the familyPhoeniculidae, the wood hoopoes, and was formerly known as the Green Wood Hoopoe who is identifiedby Black-Lee as one of important guarders for our vegetable gardern.The Green Wood Hoopoe is an insect-eating species. It feeds mainly on the ground, termite mounds, or on tree trunks, and will form flocks outside the breeding season. Its specialised claws enableit to easily cling to the underside of branches while closely inspecting the bark for insects.This conspicuous bird also advertises its presence with its loud Kuk-uk-uk-uk-uk call and other vocalisations.

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