
名师讲解 西班牙插画家Blanca Gomez专访

2010-07-09 09:40 archerzuo A+

  When did Cosas Minimas begin and how has it grown?

  Cosas Minimas got its start several years ago in a very curious way. I was working for another graphic design studio at the time and was in the habit of constantly drawing on post-its.

  Most of the drawings ended up in my wastebasket and my boss would tell me that I should do something with those drawings, but I never paid much attention. One day he simply told me that he had chosen a name for my website and purchased it for me. So it just naturally morphed out of what was once merely a hobby at work.

  What was initially meant to be a personal project gradually and naturally turned into a professional project. Having a site dedicated to my personal projects forced me to learn more and more. As time went on I began dedicating more time and effort into Cosas Minimas.

  That is how my first commissions and collaborations came about, always via the web, until finally my hobby became my primary job. It’s not like I had a plan or predetermined objective, it just happened. These days Cosas Minimas continues on its undefined path; dividing my time between personal projects, the store, and commercial commissions.

  你的工作室Cosas Minimas是如何开始?又是怎么一步步成长的

  Cosas Minimas是在几年前很奇妙的开始的。那时侯我在另一所工作室工作,喜欢在一些便签纸上涂鸦。基本上这些画都被我丢掉了,我的老板曾建议我不要丢掉他们要用他们做点什么,但是我还是那样。有一天,他说他给我的网站起了个名字,并把我的画作放上去卖。就这样,很自然的完成了从爱好到工作的转变。

  最初只是自己的一些练习作品,慢慢的很自然的就转变成专业的商业项目。这个网站给了我学习的动力,慢慢的,我开始把大部分时间和精力放到Cosas Minimas。这就是为什么我的合作或者委托都是通过网络的原因,直到最后,我的爱好成了我的主要工作。并不是说我有一个计划或者目标,他只是这样发生了。现在Cosas Minimas仍在他未知的道路上前行,我也把我的时间花在我的个人项目、商店、商业合作上。


  What inspires you most?

  To be sincere, I’m not too certain what inspires me. I suppose that everything that surrounds me and everything that I like inspires me inevitably. I’m a huge collector of objects and books. Picasso said something along the lines of it being best for inspiration to find you working, I happen to think that’s good way to put it.


  坦白说 ,这个我也不太知道。我觉得我身边的一切和我喜欢的一切都不可避免的会给我灵感。我是巨大的东东和书籍容器。毕加索说,something along the lines of it being best for inspiration to find you working(大师的话,不敢乱翻,自己理解吧*^_^*),我忽然想到用这句话来形容很贴切。

  Which artists/designers do you admire and/or are inspired by?

  Given the easy access we have to thousands of good artworks today, it is impossible for me to recall all of the artists that interest me. Moreover, the Internet has produced an interesting phenomenon thanks to sites like ffffound, and I believe that many works have come to eclipse the very artists that produce them.

  It seems these days we are more likely to recognize an image or style long before we know the artist. I find this interesting because in the end it is the work itself that matters most.

  Let’s try anyway: The French illustrator Sempé has stuck with me since I was little and read Nicholas. I love the tenderness and humor in his illustrations. Other illustrators that are among my favorites include Dupuy and Barberian who also illustrate comics. I’ve always been very interested in Comics.

  I also like many Japanese illustrators. I recently discovered Tatsuro Kiuchi and the simplicity in his drawings, especially those in black and white, I found to be very impressive.

  As far as designers go, I am clearly a fan of mid-century design, above all else people like Alexander Girad(especially), Olle Eksell, And Bruno Munari. Presently, I am smitten with Vostok, a Catalonian studio that employs unimaginable printing techniques. Another illustration favorite is illustrator and designer Cristobal Schmal who also happens to be a colleague.



  不过让我想一想:法国插画Sempé让我印象深刻。我喜欢他插画的温和与幽默。其他我最喜欢的插画家,比如Dupuy和Barberian。我也喜欢很多日本插画家。我最近发现 Tatsuro Kiuchi 的插画,简洁明了,尤其那种黑与白方式,让我印象非常深刻。

  至于设计师,我很显然是中世纪设计的粉丝,像Alexander Girad,Olle Eksell和Bruno Munari。现在,我正迷恋一个加泰罗尼亚叫 Vostok的工作室,他们有着你难以想象的印刷技术。另一个我最喜欢的插画设计师是Cristobal Schmal,他很巧的是我的一个大学同学。





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