
非洲拟啄木鸟(Vielliot‘s 巨嘴鸟)

-- 作者:非洲云淡风清

英文“Vielliot‘s Barbet“, 可以译成Vielliot‘s 巨嘴鸟. Vielliot‘s是以一个法国鸟类学家的名字。脊索动物门->脊椎动物亚门-> ->鸟纲->今鸟亚纲-> ->拟啄木鸟-> ->->: L. vieilloti -此鸟比麻雀略大15厘米左右,短颈、大头、短尾,成鸟头为红色,颈胸部为红色和白色,背部是棕黑色及黄色的条纹。吃水果、昆虫,更喜欢吃花蕾。主要分布在非洲沙哈拉沙漠的丛林里。英文中叫巨嘴鸟,看的嘴不是巨大,但是他可以鼓腮,张开嘴是特大,我拍摄中亲眼看见的把一个大花蕾吞整个吞咽下去而且有幸用相机记录下来。叫声非常低沉“whoo-oop”,P11 是鸟叫的动作。常以树洞作巢穴。每次可孵化3个蛋。This is a sparrow-sized barbet at 15 cm. It is a plump bird, with a short neck, large head and short tail. The adult has a red head, and the neck and breast are a mixture of red and white. The upperparts are dark brown apart from a yellow stripe down the back. The rest of the underparts are yellowish with dark flank spotting. The bill is thick and dark grey. Sexes are similar, but immature birds are duller.

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