
Sydney Brick Pit

-- 作者:aum

Sydney Brick Pit 是N年以前的制砖厂。 由于挖掉大量的泥土而形成了一个大坑,然后雨水积成了湖,长了水草,鱼和青蛙也找到了乐园,水鸟也就发现了新的食物源。2000的奥运场地就建在这附近,为此,政府拨款建了一个高架大环周长550米,高18.5米。 作为一艺术作品,它还得过什么大奖。 懒得介绍了,摘段原文大家慢慢看吧:Take the award-winning Ring Walk around the Brickpit ‘pond‘ to discover its history and the evolution of the Green and Golden Bell Frog‘s habitat. From the soaring circular walkway (18.5 metres high), you get a bird‘s-eye view without disturbing the tiny residents. As you walk the 550-metre ring, listen to soundscapes of frog and bird calls, and hear the voices of pit workers recounting their experiences as they helped make the millions of clay bricks used to build Sydney. The panels along the ring provide further details of the history of the area.

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