
似曾相识?一张图片见证Windows XP老去

2009-11-17 21:21 Mob整理 A+

  Windows XP默认桌面Bliss拍摄地点

  Windows XP 的默认桌面是 Bliss,照片拍摄于美国加利福尼亚州的锁诺玛县,锁诺玛山谷的南部靠近 CloverStornetta(一家乳品公司)公司旧址,Bliss 的名字来自这个地方连绵起伏的绿色小山丘,蓝天,层状和卷状的白云,这张图片被微软用作XP中luna主题的桌面壁纸。

  照片是职业摄影师 Charles O'Rear,(纳帕县圣海伦那市人)为数字设计公司 HighTurn 拍摄的。O'Rear 也曾为比尔盖茨的西雅图私人图片储藏公司科比斯工作,1979 年五月出版的国家地理杂志的纳帕专题的纳帕山谷照片 Valley of the Vine 也是出自其手。原本 O'Rear 的主要精力是用在拍摄纳帕山谷制酒业的相关照片拍摄上的,但在那时侯,90 年代后期 bliss 山丘上还没有长出葡萄藤,这副照片是他当时使用一架手持式大画幅相机在拍摄在 12/121 高速公路边上拍摄的。

  O'Rear 的摄影作品激发了微软XP操作系统的耗资2亿美元的广告活动的灵感。这个活动叫“是的,你能行”,它由纽约市圣弗朗西斯科地区的广告公司 McCannErickson 操办。这项活动由ABC电视台发起,时间夹在 ABC电视台的体育节目“周一足球之夜”中。这个电台的盈利包括了麦当娜的“Ray ofLight”,这首歌的电视台版权花费了微软公司 1400 万美金。

  在 2006 年 11 月,艺术家联合会“Goldin+Senneby”参观了 Bliss 影像的拍摄所在地—— Sonoma 谷,重新拍摄了 10 年后相同的景象。他们继微软之后的作品首先在 La Vitrine 画廊的“巴黎是昨天”展览会上露面,并且不久之后在圣保罗的 GaleriaVermelho 又被展览,在 Gothenburg 的 300 M3 也是如此。

  在 2007 年 2 月,在 Sébastien Mettraux,Lausanne,Espace Arlaud 的 Accrochage Vaud2007 的集体展览会上,一个瑞典艺术家展示了一幅称为“‘Colline verdoyante’, d'après Bill Gates,2006”的摄影作品,译为“Bliss,继比尔 盖茨之后,2006”。Mettraux,一个在 Vallée deJoux 附近居住和工作的人,解释说这张摄影拍摄于瑞典的 Les Esserts-de-Rives。

  翻译 自 维基 鸣谢:mihobeloved

  Bliss is the name of a BMP image produced from a photograph of a landscape in Sonoma County, California, southeast of Sonoma Valley near the site of the old Clover Stornetta Inc. Dairy and Babe's Burgers and Franks. It is so named because it contains rolling green hills and a blue sky with stratocumulus and cirrus clouds. The image is used as the default computer wallpaper for the “Luna” theme, which is included with Microsoft Windows XP.

  The photograph was taken by the professional photographer Charles O'Rear, a resident of St. Helena, Napa County, for digital-design company HighTurn. O'Rear has also taken photographs for Bill Gates' private Seattle stock photography company Corbis and Napa Valley photographs for the May 1979 National Geographic Magazine article Napa, Valley of the Vine.Although O'Rear's focus was on photographing winemaking in the NapaValley, the hill in Bliss didn't have grapevines when the photographwas being taken in the late 1990s. The photograph was taken aside the highway 12/121, and by a hand held view camera. The approximate location is 3028 Fremont Dr. (Sonoma Hwy.), Sonoma, CA.

  O'Rear's photograph inspired Windows XP's US$ 200 million advertising campaign Yes you can., by the San Francisco division of New York City advertising company McCann-Erickson. The campaign was launched on TV on ABC during one of ABC Sports's Monday Night Football. The TV commercials included Madonna's Ray of Light song, whose TV rights cost Microsoft about $14 million.

  In November 2006, artist collaboration Goldin+Sennebyvisited the site in Sonoma Valley where the Bliss image was taken,re-photographing the same view ten years later. Their workAfterMicrosoft was first shown in the exhibition “Paris was Yesterday” at gallery La Vitrine in April 2007 and has later been exhibited at Galeria Vermelho, S?o Paulo , and 300m3 in Gothenburg.

  In February 2007, in the collective exhibition Accrochage Vaud 2007 at Espace Arlaud in Lausanne, Sébastien Mettraux, a Swiss artist showed a photograph titled “Colline verdoyante”, d'après Bill Gates, 2006, translated as “Bliss, after Bill Gates, 2006”. Mettraux, who lives and works near the Vallée de Joux, explained that it was taken in Les Esserts-de-Rives, Switzerland.

  下载:bliss高清大图 山丘

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