
任天堂罪大滔天 WiiU升级中途竟会变废机

Aimo 2012-11-30 11:16:56

  【PConline 资讯】最近,任天堂推出的次世代游戏机Wii U上市了,尽管性能甚至还比不上竞争对手上一代的机器如XBOX360和PS3,但任天堂粉丝仍为任天堂再次用电阻屏把游戏性提高到一个前所未有的高度而欢呼雀跃。然而任天堂匆匆推向市场的Wii U问题多多,任天堂不得不在Wii U未发售时就准备了体积巨大的更新补丁让首发用户自行升级——这种卖半成品的销售方法可谓是奇葩至极。

  然而,麻烦还没有结束。任天堂网络建设滞后,更新固件下载缓慢,更新需要10小时那是再正常不过的事情了。这10小时可是充满了死亡Flag的10小时,任天堂玩家在这10小时内有误操作、死机、断电、掉网的风险,不少用户甚至发生主机变砖的事故。让苦苦排队买首发Wii U的粉丝回家升级固件后哭哭,任天堂可谓是罪大滔天(笑)。

岩田聪为Wii U升级道歉
岩田聪为Wii U升级道歉

  为此,任天堂社长岩田聪在Wii U首发十天后,即通过著名游戏媒体IGN的Email访谈对首发用户表示了“深切慰问”的道歉,但岩田聪同时又称,这种痛苦更新是每个任天堂粉丝都值得期待的。



  The patch weighs in at 5GB and took some users several hours to download and install at launch in the US, but is required for the vast majority of the console's online services. Early adopters were not pleased, and neither is Iwata, it seems.

  “Personally I think that users should be able to use all the functions of a console video game machine as soon as they open the box,” he told IGN via email.

  “So I feel very sorry for the fact that purchasers of Wii U have to experience a network update which takes such a long time, and that there are the services which were not available at the hardware's launch.”

  That said, he thinks the Nintendo Network will be worth it, even if the unique features have been difficult to message.

  “It is challenging to communicate attractions which are hard to understand unless you actually touch and experience them yourself. This is especially so with Wii U because it has unprecedented entertainment potential,” Iwata said.

  On top of that, the Nintendo Network is quite different from existing offerings.

  “We have not thought that offering the same features that already exist within other online communities would be the best proposal for very experienced game players,” Iwata said.

  “Nintendo has paid a great deal of attention to the dynamic of people playing video games together in the same room. With Wii U, we thought about expanding this concept into separate rooms which are connected online. Miiverse is a network community dedicated to video games that represents a very unique game-dedicated social graph that has never existed before.”

  The patch weighs in at 5GB and took some users several hours to download and install at launch in the US, but is required for the vast majority of the console's online services. Early adopters were not pleased, and neither is Iwata, it seems.

  “Personally I think that users should be able to use all the functions of a console video game machine as soon as they open the box,” he told IGN via email.

  “So I feel very sorry for the fact that purchasers of Wii U have to experience a network update which takes such a long time, and that there are the services which were not available at the hardware's launch.”

  That said, he thinks the Nintendo Network will be worth it, even if the unique features have been difficult to message.

  “It is challenging to communicate attractions which are hard to understand unless you actually touch and experience them yourself. This is especially so with Wii U because it has unprecedented entertainment potential,” Iwata said.

  On top of that, the Nintendo Network is quite different from existing offerings.

  “We have not thought that offering the same features that already exist within other online communities would be the best proposal for very experienced game players,” Iwata said.

  “Nintendo has paid a great deal of attention to the dynamic of people playing video games together in the same room. With Wii U, we thought about expanding this concept into separate rooms which are connected online. Miiverse is a network community dedicated to video games that represents a very unique game-dedicated social graph that has never existed before.”












